We are accepting Wholesale Customer Applications

Either if you have years of experience in Jewelry business or you are just starting your Jewelry venture, you would be glad to know that we are accepting Wholesale Customer Applications.

We know how hard it to start a business and still keep the cost low, ensuring the quality of product remains intact. The one who is GIVEN, has the responsibility to GIVE BACK!

We consistently thrive to ensure friendly wholesale rates for retailers, so that they can flourish their businesses with minimum friction in the system.

Check out our latest collection at Glamorize Yourself and fill out the Wholesale Customer Application to take advantage of our products. We will review your information and get back to you shortly!

If you have any questions/concerns/feedback, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us at contact@GlamorizeYourself.com.

Looking forward to make your business successful! Wish you all the best.